El SCS-Diluter Pro está de conformidad con las siguientes directivas:
- Directiva sobre máquinas 2006/42/CE
- CEM 2014/30/UE
- Directiva de baja tensión 2014/35/UE
- Directiva ErP 2009/125/CE
- Directiva 2011/65/CE (RoHS)
In some cases, source extraction and hoods are not an option, for example if metalwork pieces are too big to be covered by extraction arms, as in the ship-building and transport industry, or if welders constantly move in between positions. Plymovent has therefore developed a general filtration system that can control welding fumes in large facilities: the SCS-Diluter.
This solution can be used in large workshops with various welding processes, changing activities, crane transportation and locations where ductwork is difficult to install. The result: reducing the concentration of fumes to lower levels, giving a cleaner working environment!
Installing the Diluter system is easy as you do not need any ductwork. It does not only save ductwork costs, it is also a very flexible solution for facilities with many welding processes, changing locations constantly.
The Diluter system consists of three main components: the SCS-filter unit, a fan and the Diluter itself. The Diluter is an air circulation unit with six multidirectional outlet nozzles. The unit re-circulates the cleaned air into the workshop by means of the outlet nozzles.
The nozzles can be rotated to optimise air distribution. The airflows from the nozzles can be controlled individually making the system unique. Positioning the nozzles directly towards the welding fume layer gives the best result (usually between four and six meters (13 and 20 ft)). The main benefit is the relatively small investment for controlling welding fumes in your plant.
The SCS-Diluter will be available with the new filter controls of Plymovent; the ControlPro and the ControlGo.
The SCS-Diluter PRO is fitted with the ControlPro. This version has a control with an intuitive touchscreen interface that shows at a glance how the system is performing, what the system is doing now, will do next and how to keep it in shape. An extensive and very accessible menu allows full adaptability in an easy way. ControlPro uses ethernet communication for a wide variety of connectivity options. ControlPro is the control that meets the full needs of the professional user: Simple, Insight, Connected.
If your filters are steered by ControlPro control systems, Plymovent gives the option to extend it with ControlPro Connect. This is an advanced web portal that gives you the power to monitor, manage and control any number of filters at a glance from your PC, tablet or smartphone. This version uses the FCC-150 filter cartridge and has an operational airflow of (max.) 9000 m3/h (5,297 CFM)
The SCS-Diluter GO has integrated control unit the ControlGo. The ControlGo is built on the same platform as the ControlPro, offering the same performance, but with preset configurations for the user with basic needs. The SCS-Diluter GO uses push buttons and indicator lights for simple interaction and meets the basic needs of any user. This version uses the FCC-150 filter cartridge and has an operational airflow of (max.) 9000 m3/h (5,297 CFM)
In situations where the Diluter filter capacity is sufficient but the workshop or the distance between diluters is too large, the booster fan is used to complete the air circulation. Plymovent offers the booster fan in two types with different functionalities.
These booster fans are also the solutions to prevent the air from getting stuck in a blind spot of the workshop, such as dead corners, niches and in case of L-shaped workshops.
Our experts will be pleased to help you find a solution for your unique situation! Click here to get in touch with them.
El SCS-Diluter Pro está de conformidad con las siguientes directivas:
A continuación, encontrará algunas instalaciones de este producto en nuestros clientes.
Debido a la construcción de una nueva nave de fábrica, hay que encontrar una solución flexible de humos de soldadura que se adapte a los procesos cambiantes.
Debido a la soldadura intensiva se formó una nube de humos de soldadura. Plymovent diseñó un sistema U-Push-Pull para una extracción óptima.
Fortaco estaba gestionando los problemas de los humos de soldadura con brazos de aspiración. Debido al tamaño de las piezas de trabajo, los soldadores no podían reubicar los brazos de aspiración cuando cambiaban de posición de soldadura.
Arginta Engineering decidió que necesitaban una protección adicional contra los humos de soldadura/corte y el polvo de amolado.
CSM había estado utilizando diferentes extractores de humos. Pero esto era insuficiente, así que CSM se puso en contacto con Plymovent.
Eche un vistazo a estas opciones
El sistema MDB-Diluter es un sistema de filtración general autónomo desarrollado para reducir y controlar la concentración ambiental de humos de soldadura pesados en un taller.
Póngase en contacto con nuestros especialistas y reciba respuestas a todas sus preguntas relativas a aire limpio.