- IARC - The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently categorized welding fume as a Group 1 carcinogen. This category is used when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.
United States
- OSHA - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor created a factsheet on Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding.
United Kingdom
- HSE - The Health and Safety Executive states that by law you must protect your workers by controlling the health risks from welding fume. This applies to specialist welders and workers who do some welding, no matter how small the amount.
The Netherlands
- Arboportaal - Website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment about welding fumes
- 5x Beter - 5 steps to improve the way of working with welding fumes
- Arbeidsomstandighedenregeling - Time Weight Average (TTG) for welding fumes
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Arbeitsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) refers to the pages on health protection when handling hazardous substances and all work processes related to welding. The following three technical rules, with the help of which all questions relating to welding work processes are regulated.
- TRGS Schweißtechnische Arbeiten
- TRGS 560 Luftrückführung bei Tätigkeiten mit krebserzeugenden, erbgutverändernden und fruchtbarkeitsgefährdenden Stäuben
- TRGS 900 Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte
- Chapitre II : Aération, assainissement (Articles R4222-1 à R4222-26) - Légifrance (
- Code du travail – Article R4222-10 (average dust concentrations)
- Code du travail – Article R4222-12 (emissions in the form of gases, vapors)
- WHO - International Agency on the Research of Cancer from the World Health Organisation states that diesel exhaust is carcinogenic.
- US-EU Cooperation of Workplace Safety and Health
- Diesel Exhaust Emission Standards
United States
- OSHA – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set a permissible exposure limit of 1 part of benzene per million parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace during an 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek.
- EPA - The Environmental Protection Agency has classified benzene as a Group A carcinogen.
- CDCs – The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention report that exhaust from any incorrectly maintained vehicle can pose serious hazards. The most common source of carbon monoxide is automobile exhaust vented in confined spaces. Correct ventilation and prevention of carbon monoxide build-up in confined spaces must be assured.
- NIOSH – The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, states that there can be no safe level of exposure to a carcinogen; the NIOSH Threshold Limit Value is therefore the “lowest feasible level.”
- American Industrial Hygiene Association
- National Toxicology Program
- Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety
- The Canadian Government has developed a guideline titled: Control measures for diesel engine exhaust emissions in the work place
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin) refers to the pages on health protection.
United Kingdom
- HSE - In HSE Guidance Note HSG187 the Health and Safety Executive provides examples of good practice for controlling exposure to vehicle exhaust emissions in specific situations including activities in premises for maintenance vehicle repair.
- Chapitre II : Aération, assainissement (Articles R4222-1 à R4222-26) - Légifrance (
- Code du travail – Article R4222-12 (emissions in the form of gases, vapors)
- CCOHS - Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety wrote about the dangers of working with Metalworking fluids.
United States
United Kingdom
- HSE - The Health and Safety Executive explains the 2 main health risks from working with metalworking fluids.
The Netherlands
- Sociaal-Economische Raad - Legal limit for oil mist
- Arbeidsomstandighedenregeling - Time Weight Average (TTG) for oil mist
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Arbeitsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) refers to the pages on health protection when handling hazardous substances and all work processes related to welding. The following three technical rules, with the help of which all questions relating to welding work processes are regulated.
- Verordnung zum Schutz vor Gefahrstoffen
- TGRS Schweißtechnische Arbeiten
- TRGS 560 Luftrückführung bei Tätigkeiten mit krebserzeugenden, erbgutverändernden und fruchtbarkeitsgefährdenden Stäuben
- TRGS 900 Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte
- Chapitre II : Aération, assainissement (Articles R4222-1 à R4222-26) - Légifrance (
- Code du travail – Article R4222-12 (emissions in the form of gases, vapors)
- IARC - Article of the International Agency for the Research on Cancer about occupational exposure as a firefighter.
- WHO - International Agency on the Research of Cancer from the World Health Organisation states that diesel exhaust is carcinogenic.
- Diesel Exhaust Emission Standards
- IAFF - International Association of Fire Fighters
- Dieselnet - Including an overview of emission standards per country
United States
- OSHA – The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set a permissible exposure limit for benzene.
- EPA - The Environmental Protection Agengy has classified benzene as a Group A carcinogen.
- NIOSH – The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, states that there can be no safe level of exposure to a carcinogen; the NIOSH Threshold Limit Value is therefore the “lowest feasible level.”
- AIHA - American Industrial Hygiene Association
- NTP - National Toxicology Program report on carcinogens diesel particulate.
- OEHHA - California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
- American Lung Association
- Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety
- The Canadian Government has developed a guideline titled: Control measures for diesel engine exhaust emissions in the work place.
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin) refers to the pages on health protection.
United Kingdom
- HSE - In HSE Guidance Note HSG187 the Health and Safety Executive provides examples of good practice for controlling exposure to vehicle exhaust emissions in specific situations including activities in premises for maintenance and vehicle repair.
- Chapitre II : Aération, assainissement (Articles R4222-1 à R4222-26) - Légifrance (
- Code du travail – Article R4222-12 (emissions in the form of gases, vapors)