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Healthy conditions in training centre


CENFIM’s objective is to educate highly qualified and specialised employees for the metallurgical industry in Portugal. They organise courses of various durations and at various levels. The Portuguese metal industry counts approx. 19,000 companies, employing a total of 190,000 people.

CENFIM - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Metalúrgica e Metalomecânica - was founded in January 1985 by an agreement between the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP), the Associação dos Industriais Metalúrgicos, Metalomecânicos e Afins de Portugal (AIMMAP) and the Associação Nacional das Empresas Metalúrgicas e Electromecânicas (ANEMM).

The challenge

In the Arcos de Valdevez training centre of CENFIM various levels of metalworking and welding education are provided. It is provided with state-of-the-art equipment and machinery. In a modern environment like this a proper welding fume extraction and filter system is self-evident.

The solution

Welding cabins at Cenfim

The 12 welding cabins are situated in the corner of the practical training room. All booths are provided with a flexible extraction arm type Flex-2. The system is divided into two central ducts with six extraction arms each. Before the extracted air is blown outside by a central fan, it is filtered by an electrostatic filter type SFE-50.

The authorised distributor of Plymovent in Portugal has supplied most welding machines in the new training centre and already equipped a number of other CENFIM locations with a welding fume extraction system. Thanks to the good relationship they have got the opportunity to offer an installation for the new facility and was favoured with the order.

Main benefits

  • Each extraction arm is equipped with a working light to provide the welding students a clear view to the work piece
  • The system complies with all current regulations as far as public health and environmental legislations are concerned


“Because the central fans are situated outside the workshop, the sound level in the facility remains very low, enabling the teacher to give additional instructions, if required. The students get in touch with protective measurements in the initial stage of their welding career, so they will already be acquainted with the use of extraction equipment in their (future) job."

Quote by: CENFIM

Product list

  • Flex-2, flexible welding fume extraction arm
  • SFE-50, this product is out of production. Similar products are the SFD end SFS stationary filters.
  • FAN-55, this product is out of production. Similar products are the FAN-28 and FAN-42.

Find more information about the products here!

Extraction arms



Stationary filters


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Stationary filters


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"Because the central fans are situated outside the workshop, the sound level in the facility remains very low, enabling the teacher to give additional instructions, if required."

Welding cabin Cenfim
cenfim filtration system

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