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Vehicle exhaust extraction in fire stations

NIOSH Reports underscore need for firefighters to use diesel exhaust extraction systems

17 Oct 2017 Health risks

Two NIOSH Health Hazard Reports (HHEs) recommend that fire stations are equipped with diesel exhaust extraction systems, and to encourage regular use, even when firefighters are conducting routine running of the apparatus during equipment checks.

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Welding and cutting fume removal

Welding stainless steel produces hexavalent chromium

14 Jul 2017 Health risks

Welding of stainless steel is a common process, which has increasing raised concerns for the working environment. Chromium is next to nickel one of the basic alloy element of all groups of stainless steels. During the welding process, chromium is converted to its hexavalent state, Chromium (VI).

Welding and cutting fume removal

Welding fume; what is it and what damage may be caused by it?

23 May 2017 Health risks

Welding, glittering sparks and graceful curling fume are inseparable. It's almost a romantic image, with hard-working welders in the middle. However, the romance evaporates quickly if you understand what welding fumes are and what its composition may be.

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